29 dec 2009


“There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.”
~ Pablo Picasso

Peinture Trouvée, Breksdyk, Oudega


"There are no rules about investment. Sharks can be good. Artist’s dung can be good. Oil on canvas can be good. There’s a squad of conservators out there to look after anything an artist decides is art."
~ Charles Saatchi

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk


"You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul."
~ George Bernard Shaw

27 dec 2009


"The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?"
~ Pablo Picasso

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk

25 dec 2009


The Art Market

Stupid outrageous values.
~ Sir Anthony Caro

Sarah Thornton (Seven Days in the Art World) co-author of The Economist's special report on the art market.

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk

24 dec 2009

mona lisa

"...since art is a vehicle for the transmission of ideas through form, the reproduction of the form only reinforces the concept. It is the idea that is being reproduced. Anyone who understands the work of art owns it. We all own the Mona Lisa."
~ Sol LeWitt

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk


De Gouden Bocht

Sculpture Trouvée, Tjongervallei, Jubbega-Schurega

Nº 1.785

"The first 10.000 shots are the worst."
~ Helmut Newton

21 dec 2009


"Art is the possibility to turn a defeat into a victory, the sadness into happiness. Art is a miracle."
~ Federico Fellini

"Non c'è inizio né fine, esiste solo l'infinita passione per la vita"

Sculpture Trouvée, Buitenweg, Oudehorne.


Joe's Garage

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open."
~ Frank Zappa

Joe's Garage ♬ Frank Zappa

Sculpture Trouvée, Tjongervallei, Jubbega-Schurega.

20 dec 2009


Oh Lord

"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires."
~ Kahlil Gibran

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk.


Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk.

18 dec 2009


Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore

"Concentreer je. Zet iedere andere gedachte uit je hoofd. Laat de wereld om je heen vervagen tot in het onbestemde."
~ Italo Calvino

En luister: If On A Winters Night...

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk.


La Donna Neve


Sculpture Trouvée, boekweitreed, Jubbega-Schurega.

15 dec 2009


"in the dutch mountains

I was born in the valley of bricks

where the river runs high above the rooftops

I was waiting for the cars coming home late at night

from the Dutch mountains

I was standing in the valley of rock

up to my belly in an early fog

I was looking for the road to a green painted house
in the Dutch mountains

in the Dutch mountains


I met a woman in the valley of stone

she was painting roses on the walls of her home

and the moon is a coin with the head of the queen

of the Dutch mountains


I lost a button of my shirt today

it fell on the ground

and it was rolling away

like a trail leading me back

to the Dutch mountains


to the Dutch mountains

I met a miller on the back of a cow

he was looking for the wind

but he didn't know how

I said

follow the cloud that looks like a sheep

in the Dutch mountains

in the Dutch mountains

in the Dutch mountains

mountains mountains


~ Henk Hofstede - Rob Kloet - Robert Jan Stips


Jan Dibbets


"Het zorgeloze kunstenaarsvolkje

Ik had met Frans weer oeverloos gedronken,
En toen getwist. Een fles kwam op mijn kop.
Maar het revolverschot in korenveld bleef uit,
En ook mijn oor zit er nog onversneden aan."

~ Gerard Reve


De digitale snelweggebruiker is vaak uren in gezelschap van de hedendaagse jad, de aanwijzer op het beeldscherm van zijn computer. Wanneer zijn muis beweegt, beweegt de cursor mee.

Grafisch ontwerper en kunstenaar Melle Hammer (eerder gelauwerd met een reddot design award voor zijn analoge archiefdoos PLi® ) richtte een 13 milimeter groot monument op voor het beweeglijke het pijltje.

Een must-have voor de echte blogger!
De cursorpin (verzilverd, zwart email) is voor slechts €7 te koop via www.cursorpin.nl .

9 dec 2009


"Door middel van het blauw, de grote Kleur, benader ik steeds meer het 'onverklaarbare' dat Delacroix in zijn dagboeken omschreven heeft als de enige ware 'verdienste van het schilderij'."
~ Yves Klein

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk

8 dec 2009


"Quantum instar in ipso est."
~ Vergilius 

(None but himself can be his parallel)

Sculpture Trouvée, Gorredijk.

7 dec 2009

3 dec 2009


"C'est un poids bien lourd pour un seul coeur de souffrir pour deux."
~ Euripides

Sculpture Trouvée, Jubbega.

1 dec 2009


Kijk omhoog.

"Laat me mijn eigen gang maar gaan”
~ Ramses Shaffy

(29 augustus 1933 - 1 december 2009)

Sculpture Trouvée, Jubbega.


"At some point we’ve got to stop asking ourselves what is the meaning of everything, maybe it’s not so very important what it means. It’s probably more important what the sense of it is.. they are two very basic and different things."
~Tony Cragg

Sculpture Trouvée, Jubbega.