28 apr 2010


in de tweeëntwintig maanden na de vorige peildatum heeft galerieopweg langs 50.000 kilometer weg acht tentoonstellingen getoond in Nederland en Duitsland.

Een nieuw tentoonstelling is in voorbereiding:

Op de KunstVlaai / Art Pie in Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek Amsterdam, prestenteert galerieopweg

road movies van maartje jaquet

Van 16 tot en met 23 mei, dagelijks van 12:00 tot 18:00 uur.
De opening is op zaterdag 15 mei 16:00 uur.

25 apr 2010


"Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails, but that's what we face when we're dealing with improvisation."
~ Jan Garbarek

Sculpture Trouvée, Oudehorne

23 apr 2010


"People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins they wonder whether they are catching cold."
~ John Jay Chapman

De Bakkers van Verloop, Gorredijk

21 apr 2010


"What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains."
~ Tennessee Williams

Sculpture Trouvée, Amsterdam

20 apr 2010




"No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.”
~ Oscar Wilde
Sculpture Trouvée, Amsterdam en Oudehorne

18 apr 2010

17 apr 2010


“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.”
~ T.S. Eliot


16 apr 2010


"Painting is so poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific and makes you worry about gravity."
~ Damien Hirst

Sculpture Trouvée, Heerenveen


"I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?"
~ Douglas Adams

Sculpture Trouvée, Oudehorne

4 apr 2010


"'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?'"
~ Lewis Carroll

Sculpture Trouvée, Katlijk

2 apr 2010

puente de la mujer

“This is an opportunity to make something extremely practical and logical, which at the same time tries to inspire the imagination in a way that can happen only here, [...]”
~ Santiago Calatrava

Sculpture Trouvée, Katlijk

tsjiep, tsjiep! tsjiep, tsjiep!

"What pleasure he gave me, the dear, pretty bird."
~ Hans Christian Andersen

Sculpture Trouvée, Oudehorne

1 apr 2010


"I'm having a magenta day. Not just red, but magenta!"
~ Stephen King (Needful Things)

Sculpture Trouvée, Ravenswoud


"I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie."
~ Rodney Dangerfield

Sculpture Trouvée, Oudehorne